Thursday, June 21, 2012

Is Jesus Christ God?

Is Jesus Christ God? Before that question can be answered, there is another question: Does God really exist? According to David Hume, British philosopher, people who believe that God does exist cannot give any logical evidence about the existance of God to everyone in this world. Yet people who believe that God does not exist cannot convince everyone, especially the believer, that God does not exist. Moreover, the whole universe must be created by someone. That is The Creator, theos.

The Empirical Life of Jesus
In this case, let us consider that God does exist. And then, is Jesus Christ God? We know from historical sources that Jesus was the son of Mary and Joseph,the carpenter. He was a Rabbi and He had taught His followers for three years. Then He was considered as heretic and troublemaker by the Jews. Because of those reasons He was crucified to death. But then His corpse was gone and some people reported that He was alive.

The Believers and The Unbelievers
That biblical story has become the evidence that Jesus Christ is The Son of God, God who became a man. He is the savior who had been promised to men. His miracles which were made in the name of God The Father and His resurrection proved that He was sent by God to reconcile God and men. No one except Him could overcome and arise from the death. But this is only for those who believe in  Him and the stories of Hebrew Bible. People who have already believed in Eastern Philosophies and Religions have different stories in their minds and those stories emerged almost in the same time with the birth of Judaism. There were also people who had already become the follower of tribal religions and believed in different stories. That makes sense if they do not believe in Hebrew’s stories. Is Jesus Christ God, especially for them?

The divinity of Jesus
People may believe in whatever they want to believe in, so do we. It is true that faith seeks understanding. But understanding cannot produce faith. Is Jesus Christ God? If Jesus Christ is God, He will still be God even if all people in this world do not believe that He is God. For God is not created by human. The creator creates the creations, instead. He will not lose His divinity just because people do not believe that He is The Divine. So, it would be better if we bring love and peace in this world as Jesus did instead of Christianizing people by force. Well, is Jesus Christ God for you?

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

How Can Your Bible Save You from Hell?

How Can Your Bible Save You from Hell?
How many christian people in entire world adore their bible more than Jesus Christ? There are even some rules to revere The Holy Bible made by current churches. For example, when your Holy Bible fall accidentally, you must clean it and kiss it three times. It sounds irrational, right? But it truely happens in a few churches. On the other hand, there were times when christians burned all their Holy Bible to declare their pure faith of God only. Is it a right thing to do?
The Canonisation of Christian’s Holy Bible
Christian Bible is composed by Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) and New Testament. Let’s use terminology of “Hebrew Bible” instead of “Old Testament” here to respect Jews. The arranging process of both of them is separated by very long time distance. However, Hebrew Bible is related to New Testament. For Christians, New Testament writes about the fulfillment of the redemption promised by God, which had been prophesied in Hebrew Bible.
Hebrew Bible is canonized by Jews themselves. They began to tell their religious stories from one to another orally. It is called oral tradition. Then, they started to write their stories so that their next generation could keep it. After that, their writings were separated because of wars and exile. At the end of that period, they collected the lost scrolls and writings about the works of God and they made them their Bible. The scrolls and writings they collected were not intact, of course. They were damaged by the weather and ages. Some of them were lost or burnt.
The collected writings is called “Codex” and it is used by translator to translate Hebrew Bible into their languages. Hebrew Bible firstly translated to Greek, called “Septuaginta”. There are also apocrypha and pseudepigrapha beside the canonized Hebrew Bible. They are the hidden texts which also wrote about Israelite and their God in history, but were not included in Hebrew Bible. Catholics made the second canonisation by putting the apocrypha into their bible and call it deuterocanonic. Meanwhile, Christians only translated the fixed Hebrew Bible.
New Testament also started with oral tradition. The story of Jesus Christ as the incarnation of God was told by one to another viva voce. About a generation after, educated Christians wrote the reflection of Christ’s life story related with their sphere situation. Christians in every different area had their own writings and most of them did not recognize the writings from other Christians in other areas. For those reason, the popes canonized New Testament. But, the canonisation of New Testament was still controversial at that time.
Holy Bible as Icon of God
Every Christian should have known that Holy Bible is not fallen down from heaven. It is made by the hands of human to keep their religious stories. The one who came from heaven to bring peace and salvation on earth is Jesus Christ, the incarnation of God. Holy Bible is just a medium that helps Christians to know about the work of God in history. It is only an icon of God. It is like a story about God's love to His creations. It makes us know about how God is, but it is not God.

So, how can your bible save you from hell? You are saved by your faith of God, not your bible. It will only help you to establish your faith of God. Abraham is blessed because of his faith. So were Isaiah and the ohter prophets. When they were alive, Holy Bible had not been composed. They were saved by their faith.

Appreciation of Holy Bible

After we know that we should have faith of God instead of adoring Holy Bible, our respect on Holy Bible is usually decreased. Should we still respect it, then? Or it is fine if we let it be broken and do not keep it properly? In my opinion, we do not have any necessity to burn or break our Holy Bible. What do we get if we break our Holy Bible? It is only a waste of money. It is better for us to keep it and use it as it’s function. You may burn your bible after you can memorize every single word in it.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

What is Christianity?

What is Christianity?
What is Christianity? Christianity is known as a religion. For general people, Christian is everyone who believes in Jesus Christ as his/her savior and God, be baptized in the name of God Father, Son, and Spirit, read Holy Bible, has religious services in Christian church, etc. Those descriptions are definitely true. But really, what is Christianity?
As we know, even though Jesus Christ did not come to the earth to bring new religion, Christianity is based on the resurrection of Him. In history of Judaism, men sailed close to the wind and lost their connection with God. They did mean things and were punished. But God is full of love and He wanted to reconcile with men. He made a testament with the Israel that He would not leave them and He sent prophets and priests as the emissary between Him and His men. But Israel kept doing mean things and no one could do the reconciliation. Then He promised a savior from above who could do the redemption. Jesus came subsequently. Christian believes that Jesus was the savior who was promised by God. They believe that Jesus was sent from above to do the redemption and reconciliation between God and men. He is the incarnation of God alone.
After the death of Jesus Christ, He rised and went to heaven. He promised the apostles that after those things happened, He would send His Holy Spirit as their partner so they did not have to be afraid anymore. At the day of Pentacost, the apostles reported about the resurrection of Jesus Christ and more than 3000 people believed. They then gave themselves to be baptized and became the early Christian. Question of what is Christianity can be answered historically by the explanation above.
Christianity has been developing until today. We can see it’s dynamics backward. And because of that reason, Christianity has been complicated. So, what is Christianity today? It is a difficult question to answer. Christianity now has so many different groups with so many different theologies as their foundations. A few of them even known as sects.
Question of what is Christianity can also be answered personally. Some consider Christianity as their identity. Some even dedicate their lives to learn about Christianity. Some people believe that salvation is only possessed in Christianity. Meanwhile, the other say Christianity is non sense. There are also a few people who say that Christianity is just a fantasy. Several Jews maybe still consider Christianity as heresy. What is Christianity for you?

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Coptic Christianity

Coptic Christianity

What is Coptic Christianity?

Coptic means ‘Egyptian’. Coptic Christianity is a group of Christians in Egypt. At the first century of Christianity, Coptic Christianity were considered as Eastern Christianity and subsequently they were separated to anothers because of several reasons. Their local culture and language influenced the development of Christianity there. It makes them different from another Christianities. Moreover, they hold different understanding of Trinity concept and they have another literatures beside the canonic bible.

After the day of Pentacost, the apostles accepted Holy Spirit and they were encouraged to report the gospel. Saint Mark, one of the apostles went to Egypt and constructed congregation there. Those Egyptian Christians then became Coptic Christianity.

History of Coptic Christianity

Coptic Christianity was born in Alexandria. There are so many approximation about when Coptic Christianity began. The historians estimate that it was born approximately in the first or second century. There were also another religions and concepts of divinity among Coptic Christianity. Those influenced the developed Christianity there.

There are so many opinions about who the early Coptic Christianity were. They were probably Jews who lived there, or the pagans. The Jews might be the early Coptic Christians because the historians found the influences of Judaism in Coptic Christianity.

Coptic Christianity then created an organization like Western Christianity. Their organization still had Judaism’s influences. They had archbishop, bishops, priests, and teachers.

Why are they different?

Coptic Christianity is physically different from Western Christianity. It is because they have different local cultures which influence their own styles. They also have a few different doctrines. For instance, about The Trinity. After Origen reported his writing about the doctrine of The Trinity, Arius and Alexander started to debate about the explanation of The Trinity. The council of Nicea then chose Alexander explanation and it became the doctrine of The Trinity in Western Christianity. But, Coptic Christian chose the explanation of Arius which said that God Father is higher than Jesus Christ. It is because Coptic Christianity was influenced by the Jews and their ways of thinking. Besides, they were also influenced by heresies: Gnostic and Marcion. So they chose to mix the concept of The Trinity with the Israelite’s concept of God.

They also have their own literatures beside Holy Bible. Those literatures give them different visions about Jesus Christ. For example, Gospel of Barnabas and Gospel of Jude told different story about the death of Jesus Christ. Many theologians thought that those Gospels were influenced by the heresies. It makes Western Christianity considered them as heresy too.

Christianity Beliefs: The Doctrine of The Trinity

Christianity Beliefs
Christianity beliefs was based on the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Son of God. The terminology “Son of God” then became controversial among Christians. Controversion about Holy Spirit came afterward. People started to talk about which one is the highest or how is the composition of The Trinity.

In history, Origen in the third century had explained about The Doctrine of The Trinity comprehensively. He differenciated The God Father, Son, and Holy Spirit from Their creations. But then Arius, Egyptian priest, and Alexander, bishop of Alexandria, debated each other about the position of Jesus Christ in The Trinity. Arius argued that God The Father was the highest God and Jesus was The Word God The Father. On the other hand, Alexander argued that Jesus was the incarnation of God Father so they were in the same position. Their arguments actually were based on logical thoughts. Arius kept the principle about God the one. We also know the proclamation in Deuteronomy called shema: “Hear, O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord alone. Meanwhile, Alexander thought that Jesus was God who became man. Then the council of Nicea was held on 325 CE to decide which doctrine could be accepted. The participants of the council then decided to refuse Arius’s doctrine of The Trinity. That was not the first and the last debate among Christians about one of Christianity beliefs, The Trinity. Luckily, at those days the leader of churches had power to decide which doctrines that could be taught and which doctrines that could not.

The problems of Christianity beliefs appeared in a few centuries after. Christianity beliefs had separated Christians to so many different groups. It happened in the era of reformation and afterwards. Christian leaders started to make new Christian group if they had different way of thinking with their groups before. The most popular of them are Martin Luther and Johannes Calvin. They both are leaders of new Christian groups and also separator of Christianity. Their thoughts of God and Christianity had created new Christianity beliefs.

Today Christianity beliefs of The doctrine of The Trinity focus on the substance of The Trinity. People debate about which one is the truth: The Trinity is composed by three personal that become one or it is one divinity which is divided into three personal. But this Christianity belief is only a human concept. Even the best explanation cannot explain about The Trinity appropriately. It is because God is higher and bigger than human and our reasons cannot reach God wholly.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

History of Christianity

History of Christianity
People usually think that Jesus Christ came to the earth to bring new religion, Christianity. But actually He did not. Jesus Christ was a Jews and follower of Judaism. His purpose was to fulfill the prophets’ prophecies about the savior of Israel and of the world.

Christianity was born after the death of Jesus Christ. The History of Christianity began when the apostles rechieved power from Holy Spirit to inform the people about resurrection of Jesus Christ at the day of Pentacost. Since then, so many people believed and gave themselves to be baptized. Those people then became the followers of Jesus Christ and were called Christians. 

The History of Christianity was developed since the number of Christians was increased day by day. And so many resistance from people around them emerged. The Jews considered them as heretics because they recognized Jesus Christ as Son of God. Jews’ aversion to the Christians was normal for they used to be punished because they were unfaithful. And they thought that they were under the power of Roman Empire because of that reason too. So, they would not let part of them adored another God except YHWH (read: adonai). The Roman Empire considered Christian as deviant because they did not worship their Gods and the caesar. Furthermore, Christians were not afraid of the empire. It made the empire did not like them. The History of Christianity after told about the torture and martyrdom of Christians caused by The Roman Empire.

After those sufferings, The History of Christianity told about Apologist and their writings. A few of these writings still can be read today. The Apologist wrote about their faith of Christ and clarified the claims which were appeared around them. Several apologies were accepted at the era of Constantine. Even after that, the caesar was baptized by Eusebius and became Christian. Then, in the fourth century, Constantine advocated the council of Nicea. The History of Christianity showed more and more development then. Not only the number of the followers, but also the doctrines were developed.

Beside those stories, The History of Christianity also told another story about Christian heretics: Gnostic, Marcion, etc. Those heresies made the heads of the churches arranged three bases of Christian doctrines. Those bases are canonic bible, credo, and relics of apostles.

On the middle ages, The History of Christianity showed awful stories. That’s why those times called The Dark Ages. At those times, the heads of churches used their power to make new doctrines of their own pleasant. They proclaimed wars and used the Christian barbarians to take over several areas.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Facts About Christianity: Proof Texting

Facts About Christianity
One day, a beggar came to a house of rich person. He wanted to ask the owner of the house to give him food or money. Then the rich person said, “ Holy Bible told me that people should work if they want to eat.” “But, Holy Bible told me to ask so that what I need will be given to me.” the beggar argued. “But Holy Bible told me that sluggards have to accept the consequence of their laziness...” he replied. “Now I understand why Jesus said that it is hard for rich people to get in the kingdom of the father.” said the beggar before he went away. Had the beggar and the rich person read different kind of Holy Bible? It is definitely the same kind. But this is one of the facts about Christianity.

Proof texting is one of the facts about Christianity. When a Christian use part of biblical text for his/her interest without considering the real context of the related text, they are proof texting. Even several facts about Christianity show that this kind of case still happens in a few churches.

Before the time for church collection, the liturgist of the service may read verse of Malachi 3:10. If we examine this verse, it is an allusive words from God to Israel because they did not obey His rule to make peace, love each other, and did justice to their fellows. This verse subsequently builds incorrect understanding that God will bless us more if we collect more. This understanding also make new bad facts of Christianity.

Another case, when teenagers are told not to consume any kind of drugs, they might be given verse from Corinthians which says that our body is temple of God. It sounds like it is connected, but it is actually not. That verse talked about salacity. We can see that if we read the whole chapter. But gratefully, for this case, biblical verse is not used for getting somebody’s interest.

Holy Bible is rich and complicated. So many stories are written there. It makes several verses can be contradicted to anothers. If we do not know the context of those verses, we might fall into acts of proof texting. We use our Holy Bible to fool other people. So, it is one of bad facts about Christianity. To minimalize the case of proof texting, theologians today use critic-historical method in biblical studies.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Daily Bible Verse

Daily Bible Verse
Christians are usually told to read daily bible verse, at least one verse a day. Not only read it, but we are also asked to make contemplations about those daily bible verse. It is fine as long as the verse we read do not contradict to another verse. But if we read the daily bible verse everyday, we will meet more possibilities to find that kind of case. Today we might be told to love our family. But tomorrow we might be told to leave our family to follow God.

Holy Bible has so many stories from different ages and places. Those stories make Holy Bible rich, but complicated. One verse can contradict the other. For instance, we know that God punished Israel because they were unfaithful to The Torah. On the other hand, Paul taught Christians that they were saved by their faith of God, instead of The Torah, like Abraham. So, which one is the truth?

Our Holy Bible tells about the journeys of faith. We can see the faith progression of God believers from Old Testament to New Testament. Those people used to do wars and crimes and they thought God was with them. But after facing their experiences, they slowly realized that God wanted them to do love. So we cannot just take one verse of Holy Bible, read it word by word, and make contemplation of it. It can cause misunderstanding and doubts.

Then, does it mean we cannot read daily bible verse? Or does the daily bible verse should have been left behind? Daily bible verse can give right understanding if we also read the context of the verse. If we know the situation, when and where did that verse was made, we may know the aim of the verse. So, we may know why and for what reason has that verse been made. Then, we can understand about the explanation of that daily bible verse. Eventually, we can make good contemplation of that verse without facing contradiction with the other verse.

We do not have to read whole Holy Bible if we just want to know about the context of our daily bible verse. There are so many books of daily bible verse which give explanation about the context of the daily verse. We just need to read the chapter of the daily bible verse, at least. For several situation, we need to be critical so that we can truly understand about what God want us to do exactly in our daily life.

What is Theology?

Short Definition of Theology

What is Theology
Do you know anything about Theology? Does it sound strange for you? Theology has become a scholarship today. It comes from two Greek words: theos which means Gods and logos which means knowledges, words, reason, or things. So Theology is a scholarship that learns about God. It sounds weird since God’s existance is not emphirical. Besides, some says that God is bigger and wider than human so it is impossible to understand about God wholly. But actually, we can still learn about God because we know from the history that God always gives signs of His existence. After all, every single thing in the universe is the creation of God. We can learn about God by checking His creations and signs.

Branches of Christian

Primarily, Theology has three major branches. Those are Biblical Study, Sistematic Theology, and Practical Theology. Biblical Study focuses on The Bible; for instance its context, its languages, its stories. Meanwhile, Sistematic Theology  concentrate on Christian’s Doctrines. Practical Theology concerns about the applications of Christianity. But today, there are two addition: Liturgy and Church History. Liturgy was branch of Practical Theology and it has become major branch because it has special focus. So does Church History. Since Christianity developed and its development is not written in The Bible, it is separated with Biblical Study. In fact, a few people assume Ethics as major branch too. But it is a branch of Sistematic Theology.

Theology vs Science

There are so many things to be discussed about Theology, but it is important to talk about the relation between Theology and Science. For most things in both Theology and Science usually seem like feuding each other. It is actually started just by another contradiction between east and west. Formerly, those two were from the same scholarship called philosophy. They began with curiousity and thoughts of how had things been created and what were the purpose. But eastern and western people have different ways of thinking.  It made philosophy splited into eastern and western. Eastern philosophy tended to become Theology while the other one tended to be Science.
What is the different between their ways of thinking so they were separated? Both western and eastern people learned about things around them through philosophy. But the western made separation between God and their lives meanwhile the eastern considered God as part of theirs. The western agglomerated thoughts about God in Theology and another emphirical knowledge, for example physics, chemistry, psychology, etc. in Science.
Theology talks about unemphirical divine. In contrast, Science focuses on facts and emphirical things. That’s why they both can never be mixed up. The history recounted how the two were competing each other and dominated in rotation at the age of Renaissance and Enlightenment. However, Theology and Science can walk together as long as one does not interfere the other.
Science cannot say God does not exist because there must be someone who creates even the oldest, simplest substance. And Theology can not block the development of Science because everything in this universe should be developed for the sake of welfare and humanity.